Tuesday, August 25, 2009

MTurk really pays!

So MTurk is really paying off! It's been a few months, and I took the better part of a month off in between, but so far I've made $355.10, and have been paid out by them three times! I've found that I can average about $7 - $10 per hour or so, sometimes more, not bad for a stay at home mom wanna-be! I'm really excited to use this in my journey to be a stay at home mom. The hours and jobs are flexible and quick. I can time it during nap times, etc. I love MTurk!

One thing I've found with MTurk is that if you do well with your work, sometimes someone you've done work for will contact you to qualify for higher paying HITS doing the same thing you have been doing. I got a two and a half times raise by one company, and they post work frequently. It's turned into a nice little bonus, and that one company probably accounts for 80% of what I have made with MTurk. 

One last thing I suggest, is to take as many qualification tests as you can. If you think you are remotely interested, take the test! It could lead to a lot more work in the future. And I think we can all agree there is no such thing as a stay at home mom with too many qualifications. As you search through hits, don't check the box that only shows results you are qualified for. You may find some work you can do but just need to take a little test, and that can lead to a lot more work in the long run.

I will keep updating on the progress with this over time. I am very happy to have found this opportunity, it has really paid off!

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